The collection of articles available on this website is not everything I wrote, but rather a selection (250 and counting) of the more substantial pieces that appeared in nearly 40 different publications, from The Body Politic to Opera Canada to Cottage Life.
- Most items in the list link to a PDF copy of the article.
- Some items link to the journal archives where the article appeared.
- Some items link to text-only PDFs.
- In a few cases, we only have the article meta-data (title, journal, date, description); we are working to limit the number of articles in this category, so if you find a link, please pass it on to us via the contact page!
Filter your list of articles using one or more of the following:
- a search term (for article titles, descriptions, journal title, month, year)
- one or more journals
- one or more years
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As you adjust your filtering selections, the article list will update when you click on the Search button.